When you get quotations from several auto wreckers in Mississauga, you may notice that their offers vary. That’s because their methods of pricing junk cars are different. Nevertheless, most of them follow certain criteria when evaluating scrap cars. These are the factors that you must understand to determine the going rate of your junk car before deciding to sell it to a scrapyard in Mississauga:
#1. Year, make, model
The first things that would like to know about your car is its year, make, and model. Your vehicle is more likely to receive a good offer if it meets the following criteria:
- It commonly driven
- It’s a rare model (something that car collectors want to buy)
- Has parts that are in demand
#2. Price of scrap metal in the market
The average car has about 2,700 pounds of metal, particularly steel and aluminum, which can be recycled and repurposed. Because the price of scrap metals changes every year, prices of junk cars also vary. This is why some people say selling a junk car is all about timing. If you want to get more cash, you should wait until the demand for scrap metal in the market is high and the supply is low.
#3. The current state of the vehicle
What’s to be done to your beloved old car will depend on its current condition. If it’s still repairable, then maybe they can still restore it to working condition and resell it. If not, then they strip and sell the spare parts. If your car is completely rusted out, then it will be bought for the scrap value and spare parts.
#4. Your location
The price of scrap metals also differs from region to region, so make sure to do some research on the current demands for scrap metal in your locality. Another reason why location is important is that some providers of scrap car removal in Mississauga charge fees depending on where your junk car will be towed. You want to pick a company that’s close to your location or a company that will tow your car for free.The price of scrap metals also differs from region to region, so make sure to do some research on the current demands for scrap metal in your locality. Another reason why location is important is that some providers of scrap car removal in Mississauga charge fees depending on where your junk car will be towed. You want to pick a company that’s close to your location or a company that will tow your car for free.